By James W. Wade III
Friday, January 22, 2021
January 20, 2021, was a historic moment for me; I saw Kamala Harris become United States' first female vice president, the highest-ranking female elected official in U.S. history, and the first African American and first Asian American vice president.
We also witnessed three former presidents unite and show support to president Joe R. Biden. I was amazed at 22-year-old Amanda Gorman, and she was the first person to be named National Youth Poet Laureate. I read on inauguration day, Gorman wore a ring depicting a caged bird, a gift from Oprah Winfrey that attests to the link the young poet represents between the past and the future.
As an adult, I enjoyed watching everything transpire; I hope families had their young children watching so they could see that you too can become whatever you desire if you dare dream it. Even tho President Trump tried his best to make us relive the 50's and 60's when they used dogs and water to contain us, we still yet risen, not only as Black people but as a nation.
If you think back to January 6, when many attacked the Capitol, the media kept playing U.S. Capitol Officer Eugene Goodman, leading them through the halls away from the Senate chambers. Well, I hope by now you have read he was a hero and has been promoted to acting Deputy House Sergeant, and he got to escorted incoming Vice Kamala Harris in.
I am so happy I witnessed that day in history; at my age, I have the first Black president, and the first Black Vice President elected to office. I wish both of my parents could have seen it. Many have passed this year from that deadly Covid - 19.
If my mother were alive, she would have been glued to that television watching everything. She was an excellent historian and enjoyed sharing facts with me. She would tell me, don't come home telling me the teacher doesn't like you, I do not buy that. She also warned me if she had to take off from work to come to the school, she would whoop my butt in front of the whole class. Guess what? I believed her; no, she wasn't abusive; she was one who didn't play because she cared about my education.
I was laughing at some memories of my mother yesterday. Now I knew she worked downtown, and we lived in the Lee Harvard area but would give me instructions when I get home from school, don't cut on the television. She wanted to do my homework, with her being that far away, I believe I knew better than to watch that television.
Do you remember when most houses had just one television in the living room? My mother allowed me to have Saturday mornings until about 1:00 pm to watch cartoons; that's old school when Saturday morning was the day they all came on. I never knew about cable, let alone be able to afford it back then. I was so happy when we finally got a 19-inch color television.
While many watched Young and The Restless and General Hospital, I was coming home from school to watch Dark Shadows, with Barnabas Collins, a cool vampire to me. T.V. and books were all we had back then, no X Box and Play Station. My entertainment came from granny on the Beverly Hillbillies and The Addams Family, to name a few.
No internet back then to Google everything; my source was that green and white Encyclopedia (smile). Before homeschooling was popular, my mother was doing it for me back then. Remember your parent's teaching you your phone number and address in case of emergency issues?
I am so thankful for what my parent's provided in my life. I am also thrilled to see the United States with a fresh start. Voting is always essential, well, almost every time. Back in the day, while being a member of the Cleveland chapter of the Black MBA's, I voted not to have Danita Harris MC. But the committee always voted for her because she would come and roast me every year. I still hear Deborah Bibb telling the committee we love to listen to her get you, James.
Life is what you make it; I have had so many good times and experiences that I was blessed to do and accomplish in my lifetime. I have met many influential people, but it never changed me. I am still humble and treat everybody reasonably like I want them to treat me. I never like people who seem to look down on people or treat people differently because they don't live in a fancy house in a wealthy neighborhood or drive an expensive vehicle. As my mother used to say, God blessed you with it, but you can't take it with you.
Enjoy each day like it's last because you never know what tomorrow holds for you.